Category: The Show

  • Episode 18 – The Developing Brain

    Episode 18 – The Developing Brain

    Experience changes brain structure and function. Beginning before conception, continuing in utero and through life, explore how environment, experience and choice alter human DNA and impact brain structure and function. The human brain is pliable and changeable and our experience causes our brain to change. This change begins in our parents’ genes prior to our conception, continues in the womb and persists throughout life.

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 17 – The Aging Brain: How to Prevent Dementia

    Episode 17 – The Aging Brain: How to Prevent Dementia

    What is dementia? This presentation will tell you and then examine risk factors to developing Alzheimer’s Dementia and provide simple actions you can take, including various food choices, to reduce your risk and keep your brain healthy.

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 16 – Depression, Antidepressants, and other Treatments

    Episode 16 – Depression, Antidepressants, and other Treatments

    Do you or someone you know struggle with depression? Discover what depression is, and how various antidepressant treatment work, their risks and side effects including antidepressant and Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation.

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 15 – Sleep

    Episode 15 – Sleep

    Do you struggle with getting enough sleep? Discover what is normal sleep and what is not, how to improve your sleep and why regular sleep is so important to brain health—including reducing dementia risk!

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 14 – Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

    Episode 14 – Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

    Is marriage still relevant in the 21st Century? Are there any benefits to marriage? When is divorce the healthiest option? Discover qualities of a healthy marriage, why divorce happens, and how to move forward in a healthy way.

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 13 – Women in Christianity

    Episode 13 – Women in Christianity

    What role should women hold within the church? Why has there been such apparent inequality between men and women in an organization that purports to promote a God of love? Discover misunderstandings about God’s design for men and women that have infected Christianity and contributed to many problems within the church.

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 11 – Appropriate and Inappropriate Guilt

    Episode 11 – Appropriate and Inappropriate Guilt

    Do you struggle with guilt? Can you tell the difference between legitimate and illegitimate guilt? Do people manipulate you with guilt? Have you asked forgiveness, repented, confessed, but the guilt still remains? In this episode we will explore the difference between legitimate and illegitimate guilt, how to resolve each and how to prevent people from manipulating you with guilt.

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 10 – The Fix For Failing Families

    Episode 10 – The Fix For Failing Families

    With today’s progressively disintegrating family and resulting peril for children, what are some practical, yet sometimes painful, steps family members can take to fix their failing family? Dr. Jennings defines what healthy families look like and ways to address issues that contribute to family distress.

    Tim Jennings
  • Episode 9 – Myths of Forgiveness

    Episode 9 – Myths of Forgiveness

    Dr. Jennings explains 5 of the most common myths believed regarding forgiving someone of wrong doing and what true forgiveness actually is.

    Tim Jennings